Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Women Empowerment


           Women empowerment is one such burning issue which requires keen importance and attention. Its highly necessary for all of us to think about this particular issue. I am sure we all would feel proud of ourselves if we take a small, basic step towards women empowerment in our own way.
           Before I continue further with my article, I would like to share with you all,

 What exactly is the meaning of women empowerment?

           It is simply nothing but everything where women are bought into light, their lives and lifestyles are made better by teaching them ways to uplift themselves. It is a kind of movement to make women understand their potentials and capabilities. Women are exposed to the various advancements in their field of work and also tell them how to get better as an individual.    
          As the name itself suggests, empowerment means uplifting the standards of women, focusing on the areas where women lag and update them with the information and knowledge which they lack in various domains - technology, agriculture, health and hygiene, digitalization, etc.     

 Why do women need to be empowered?

          It is sad that even in today's digital age, there are women in our country who don't know how to make bank transactions. They don't know the importance of using banking in their daily life.
          Even after so many awareness programs, not just in rurals, but also in urban areas, female infanticide is the major evil practice happening in our society.
         Don't you all think it is important to keep the female fetuses alive ?
     Every man is dependent on his mother, sister, girlfriend and wife but some men don't prefer a daughter. I want each one of you all to think over this aspect and take it seriously. We all know very well that we don't gain anything by killing a female fetus or infant, then why is it done? Instead, I feel its better to bring gender equality into force and stop discrimination.
          In most cases, men are able to work hours together staying away from homes only because there are care takers at home who look after each and every detail of the house, family, children and other related issues. And these care takers are women who have mastered the art of home making.
          I am happy that young girls education is promoted these days. I see many government schools having around 50 to 60 percent of students as girls. Despite of it, I can still make out that not all parents send their daughters to schools after they complete their higher primary schooling.
          Why is this happening?
      One of the reason is due to the exploitation that a girl faces in today's society.                         Other reason may be that parents don't know how important education is for every individual irrespective of gender.

Why is it so much necessary to bounce back and work on women empowerment?

           In today's scientific age, after so many advancements in almost all the fields, what percentage of women dare to come out or reach homes all alone at late nights?
       I feel it is due to the lack of security that women are forced to make a boundary around them and confine themselves. Some times, walking during the day through the paths which very less number of people use, is also difficult for a woman.
       So if a woman cant face the world or sometimes, cant face her own family then what is the assurance that she can survive and live her life in the way she wants to? 
       A little amount of education is what is required which makes each one of us realize the values of humanity, mutual respect and finding godliness in every other person's heart which always helps us to create a polite and comfortable environment to live our lives further.
       So I would request every person who reads this blog of mine to rise up and support this social cause. If we all do our little parts towards women upliftment and betterment, then I am sure it helps us to improve and make this world a better place.  

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