Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Discovering myself


        It all started when a striking personality stepped not only into our class, but also into lives of many students who transformed the negatives to positives, replaced fear with faith and of course, showered immense inspiration that awakened the sleeping spirits residing in us to jump out and set ourselves to win and taste the fruit called success. I still remember his statement stating - " iPhone is always costly, you cannot bargain for it". "Success is also costly, there is no shortcut for it " was the hidden meaning of it.
       Choosing a yes in the feedback form was the first step that took a me towards the path that leads to success. The next was the life transforming phone call from my mentor in absence of which I would completely miss out on this golden opportunity - an opportunity to prove myself, an opportunity to realize my potential, an opportunity to pop out my weaknesses and push in strengths.
        The very first lesson I got to learn from my mentor was that you get to learn more only when you ask more. I was compelled to believe in the term called luck, because, I started growing even before the season started. It all happened when the quality of writing which was residing life less within me was unleashed until that very moment when my mentor gave life to the quality of inking.
         My journey at i3 began. A journey to understand myself, a journey to ignite myself with motivation, a journey to get a dosage of courage to move out and serve, a journey to explore the world within me. Initially, not many supported my projects. Share a pencil, gave me a break through and helped to mark remarkability in my growth. Upload and get applauded was what I personally learnt because only after I shared with the world about videos, blogs, various posts featuring my project on social media, many people realized and understood the importance of impacting the society, no matter, even if it is in a small way. After which I got a lot of compliments, appreciations, recognition and moreover, a lot of volunteers to support the cause. Social media existed even before my i3 journey, but I learnt to look at and use things in a productive way only through this journey.
          i3 has magical powers that transformed a person like me who messed up all the seminars and public speeches at college, to a speaker who has addressed thousands of people which include students, small kids and women. When people came back and shared with me, about how useful, motivating and inspiring the sessions were, a feeling that impact has actually been induced, was created. This generated all the guts in me, to approach celebrities and interview them, so that their aspiring stories may serve as an inspiring push that drives the youngsters into a path leading to success.
           List of milestones of my life grew with all the articles in an international magazine featuring me. Lessons turn out to become learnings only when the learnt lessons are implemented. This was one of the major lesson that i3 taught me on applying which I was awarded as the TRUE IUITE of the season.
           Mentor is an every achiever's oxygen. I am blessed abundantly for having such an incredible and a glorious mentor who has been not just guiding me, but also understanding me, correcting me and gifting me. There was no one on earth who said that I can do it, no one to believe in me and encourage me other than my mentor who had faith in me and trusted my ability and supported me.
            I faced a lot of criticisms, comments, underestimations in my past which further lowered my self reliance and self esteem. And hence, there was a serious need for me to exhibit my potential to the people in my world and luckily ensued this latitude which raised me to the next level. Since I had a positive perspective, I thank both, people who commented and who complimented because comments trigger you to grow more and more and compliments indulge in you the attitude of getting better and better in whatever you do.
            I dedicate my gratitude to my parents, my mentor, my friends, volunteers and each and every person who has contributed directly and indirectly to my glowing growth. I thank the almighty for giving me all the wisdom.


          is a pill that has lit me up.

          showered a gracious path that leads to glory.

          enlightened me about the reality embedded in life.

This is my story of how a butterfly inside a cocoon opened out to explore the real world and its progressions. But the fact is that, my actual life story begins now and continues without an end.



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